The Path to Forgiveness
A few years ago, the Lord put it on my heart that we needed to begin thinking about a different message outside of “Celebrating Faith & Family since 1945” for our trailer graphic campaigns.
Thus, began a time of prayer and searching as to what that looked like and culminated with a message around the topic of forgiveness.
The journey of developing this message led us to a Christian photographer based in Tennessee.
Jeremy Cowart previously photographed a heart-wrenching series in the African countries of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Republic of Congo. His project centered around children who had been kidnapped by rebel soldiers, turned into child soldiers, and forced to kill others.
Many of those children escaped and were rescued by United Nations peacekeeping forces and taken to Exile International, a ministry outreach, for rehabilitation and teaching about forgiveness through the love of Jesus.
Jeremy took pictures of these former child soldiers asking forgiveness of family members of ones they had killed. It is a very touching story of redemption!
Unforgiveness is an issue that gets in the way of relationships in families, marriages, friendships, and work. It interferes with loving God the way He has called us to and freely living out of the abundance of the life that He intended for each of us.
Forgiveness encompasses everyone – young and old, rich and poor, and every ethnicity God has created. It isn’t exclusive to Christians, but universal to all.
Our hope is that people would not allow bitterness, pride, or hurt to keep them bound, but rather choose forgiveness and the freedom it brings.
In summary, we’re excited to present the new “Forgiveness Brings Freedom” campaign and excited to watch and see what God is going to do in the lives of all those who encounter them.

We hope that this campaign rejuvenates all relationships and brings new life, hope, and redemption in the lives of friendships, families, and marriages.
If you are willing to join us, please be prayerful that they will impact everyone they come in contact with.